After months of planning from the smaccTEAM, the programme for smaccUS is now released and available on the smacc website
The program looks HOT – some old favourites and some new allsorts. The genius that is Mark Wilson will be cohosting a fabulous “it’s a Knockout” neurotrauma session….and there are many concurrent sessions and “cage matches” on topical issues.
Plus there’s an excellent round of pre-conference workshops and a chaotic but entertaining social calendar; I am already looking forward to catching up with old friends and making new ones – all united by a common interest in critical illness, from a variety of perspectives (intensivist, emergency, rural, prehospital, medical, nursing, paramedic, social worker etc)
Chicago is a great venue and the first time smacc has ventured overseas. If you missed macc2013 in Sydney and smaccGOLD in 2014 and are wondering what makes this conference different, check out the commentaries at :
- Damian Roland (@Damian_Roland) on his blog The Rolobot Rambles
- Chris Nickson (@precordialthump) on Life in the Fast Lane
- Jesse Spurr (@Inject_Orange) on his blog Injectable Orange
- Eve Purdy (@Purdy_Eve) on her blog Manu et Corde
- Andy Neill(@AndyNeill) on his blog Emergency Medicine Ireland
- Robert Simpson (@AmboFOAM) on his blog AmboFOAM
- Iain Beardsell (@docib) on St. Emlyn’s Blog
- Tim Leeuwenburg (@KangarooBeach) on
- Penny Wilson (@nomadicGP) on Pure Gold
- Natalie May (@_NMay) on Imposter Syndrome
- Alan Batt from prehospitalresearch on “goodbye dogma, hello best practice“
- Salim Rezaie from RebelEM smaccREVIEW
- Rob Rogers from iTeachEM on friendship, motivation & altruism @smaccGOLD
…or the smaccVIDEOS from intensivecarenetwork & affiliated sites :
I am delighted to be sandwiched in a session with EM giant Joe Lex, Scandanavian powerhouse from ScanCrit Thomas Dolven and my old mate from BroomeDocs, Casey Parker – all under the watchful eye of Minh le Cong.
Needless to say I have started preparation on my talk already; I owe inspiration to Penny Wilson (@nomadicGP) for the kernel of an idea which may take fruit at #smaccUS. One should always aim to deliver a memorable talk, so I am learning from the example of an unforgettable talk as made infamous by Prof Brindley
Prepare for your corn to be grilled…
I’d just like to state that I take absolutely no responsibility whatsoever for any Brindley-esque antics, Tim! Nudity is not encouraged!
I am, however, looking forward to an inspiring, mind-blowing and corn-grilling program, including your talk. Viva, la SMACC!
Great to be on stage with you at SMACC US. Will you be wearing track-pants? Or the more traditional cyclists lycra?
… just outta interest – should I be wearing anything specific or waterproof for your talk?
Sounds dangerous 😉
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