You’re Amazing – Keep it Up!

So I was grinning from ear-to-ear when I received an airmail envelope from the UK – inside was a message. No name, just a card. UK-stamp, sent from London…

Mystery Card - along with many other EM colleagues in UK, USA & Oz
Mystery Card – along with many other EM colleagues in UK, USA & Oz

Card 2


As far as I can gather, many other clinicians around the globe have received one of these – mostly amongst the EM & Crit Care community.

So far no-one has owned up to this delightful surprise.


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I’m pretty sure plenty of other clinicians have received one of these little boosters

If you have, don’t be shy – send a photo for the collage


Of course there are rumours – Rob Rogers (@EM_Educator) showed a slide at smaccGOLD of cards given out at Starbucks coffee with a similar message (I think it was in the ‘Get Creative’ workshop I attended).




So it is not a huge leap to assume it was one of the smacc attendees…most likely one who lives or has been in the UK recently. I have my theory as to the identity – more theories abound in the twittersphere…

No matter who sent these cards (and I thank you for mine), it was a lovely gesture of camerarderie and a nice little morale booster.

“I kind of don’t want to know who’s sending them. Anonymity is part of the kindness”

Jesse Spurr @Inject_Orange

Which makes me wonder – how often do we we acknowledge & say ‘thank you’ for the efforts of others in our work? One of the earliest lessons I learned as an intern (or housedog in the UK), was to befriend the porters, the ladies in the hospital shop, the cleaners, laboratory, admin and nursing staff. We talk about ‘making things happen’ in emergency medicine – wise clinicians realise that our efforts in the resus room require the support of a whole raft of people.

Similarly in the FOAMed community, I am grateful for the help I have had with my learning and professional development. This is delivered via inspirational blogs, listening to inspirational speakers, lovingly-crafted talks made available for free download – and supported by ongoing global ‘corridor conversations’ with like-minded folk through social media.

As much as I have been supported by this, I try to pay back – this week has been notable by a collaborative review of sim apps, a to-&-fro exchange on refinements to an exciting new cognitive aid from an anaesthetic colleague, getting a letter in the British Journal of Anaesthesia and mentoring an EM trainee who was inspired by my talk at smaccGOLD and wishes to implement an RSI checklist in his own organisation.

This is what I love about the FOAMed ethos – the willing sharing of ideas and the ever present enthusiasm to ‘pay on’ the meducational love within the FOAMed community

Already the offers of a shared beer and catch up are trickling in for smaccUS in Chicago.  Due to the expected numbers of attendees and the need to ensure a truly top shelf event surpassing even smacc13 and smaccGOLD, the dates have been pushed back to June 23-26 2015. Read about the reasons for the SMACC 2015 move to June.


So – to you all – thank you

You’re awesome

Keep it up!


I am working on a small surprise for colleagues in the FOAMed community

Catch up with me in Chicago for a special gift

smaccUS 23-25 June 2015
See you at smaccUS 23-25 June 2015

5 thoughts on “You’re Amazing – Keep it Up!”

  1. Hi Tim,

    I got one too which made me smile and I also have a theory as to who they come from. Nice idea and one that we could all share.

    As for UK, I’m not so sure. It’s all too easy to post to a mate from anywhere in the world and then get them to put in a local postbox. In our world of digital media we leave a trace wherever we go, but traditional mail? Anonymity rules.



  2. Benjamin Squire


    I’m a bit jealous I did not receive such a card, but even more upset I wasn’t the one who sent it…

    Hoping to meet you state-side at SMACC-US


  3. Peter Cutting

    Ones appeared in our office ‘suite’ too. (Not to me)
    Intriguing coz the office opinion was the origin might be a prof of medicine based on the wrong side of the Pennines

  4. Patrick Plunkett

    I was fascinated to get one of them also.

    My secretary was creasing her sides laughing, as the franking overprint was for Prostate Cancer UK, the stamp showed “The Throne Room” and the message reads (inter alia) “Keep it up”. She seemed to think it sent a macho, if mixed, message!

    I was thrilled to receive it, my wife agreed with the “you’re amazing” sentiment – and we’re both looking forward to #smaccUS – in June.

  5. I got one too and it really did make my day. Trying very hard to work out who the mystery sender may be, but despite Poirot style investigation I’m no further in. Have even confronted suspects, but received only strenuous denials. Like all EPs I enjoy a good puzzle, so inquiries remain open….

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