
How to register with the free GoodSAM app – a walk-through

Imagine the situation.  There is a sudden collapse in the coffee shop where you are enjoying a latte.  You are fairly are that the person has had a sudden cardiac arrest and call 000 or help….but the ambulance will take at least 8-10 minutes to arrive, even as a priority one (probably longer in rural

How to register with the free GoodSAM app – a walk-through Read More »

An Affair of the Heart – Valentines Day Message

 to Clinicians

Community leadership.  As clinicians we have a wonderful opportunity to educate – not just in the consulting room and on the wards…but also to get out there and make a difference.  On 14th Feb (Valentine’s Day) it’s only appropriate that we consider the importance of the heart! Sudden cardiac death is estimated to affect over

An Affair of the Heart – Valentines Day Message

 to Clinicians Read More »

Rural Generalist, Swiss Army Knives & Waiting Lists

I’m proud to be a rural doctor.  My training is in not just Primary Care but also in Emergency Medicine, Obstetrics and Anaesthesia. To be able to serve their communities best, rural doctors need broad brush skills across the board.  Rather than the finely-honed precision instrument of the specialist (akin to a scalpel), rural generalists

Rural Generalist, Swiss Army Knives & Waiting Lists Read More »

Gameshow or Desert Island Supraglottic Airway Devices?

There are over 20 different supraglottic airway devices on the market, each with their own pros & cons. This can lead to confusion when choosing preferred supraglottic airways to stock on emergency trolleys, with proponents favouring one device over another based on various performance characteristics or bias towards situational practice (e.g.: OT vs ED) How

Gameshow or Desert Island Supraglottic Airway Devices? Read More »