So the past two years have seen a huge effort here on Kangaroo Island – with the amazing support of community members and groups (listed below). we’ve been able to establish a network of Public Access Defibrillators across Kangaroo Island.
More than that, we’ve also trained over 10% of the Islanders in CPR ands of an AED – with more planned (I’d love to train 25%)
This means Kangaroo Island is now Australia’s first ‘HeartSAFE’ community
The Heartsafe brand is a global initiative and I am mighty chuffed we’ve achieved this, thanks to the wonderful community on KI
Read more about the project at or follow us on twitter @heartsafeki
The map below shows how we’ve grown – from ONE single ‘green’ public access defibrillators in 2016, to almost 30 public access defies available 24/7 now
In the next three months we’ll be training up community members for free on National ‘Restart a Heart’ day 16-10-18….and also partnering with the local schools to deliver CPR and AED training to year 9 students
We’re also delighted to be working with the team at GoodSAM app to identify available emergency responders across the Island, with a view to integrating into existing 000 emergency calls in due course
Click link below to see an interactive map of the Kangaroo Island AED network

The team at HeartSafeKI wish to thank the KI community for their support to date, including
– KI Lions
– KI Council
– Sports clubs of Wisanger, Dudley, Parndana, Western Districts and Kingscote
– Bowling clubs of Kingscote, Birchmore, Parndana
– Progress Associations of Kingscote, Emu Bay, American River, Island Beach/Sapphiretown, Baudin Beach and Penneshaw
– Rebuild Independence Group and the Deck Cafe, American River
– Vivonne Bay Store, Drakes Foodland, KI Spirits and Raptor Domain
Stay tuned for more training sessions and training
My wife and I are emergency physicians. We visited KI last week on holiday and saw defibs everywhere and knew something was up! Great work by everyone involved!