Brazil on Medical Tribalism (smaccGOLD)

Whilst firmly aimed at clinicians with an interest in critical care, smaccGOLD was unique in that it was a high-level critical care conference that aimed to break down barriers between the various medical tribes – regardless of whether one is an intensivist, an emergency physician, a doctor, a nurse, a paramedic, a student – heck, even a rural doctor – we ALL share an interest in this field.

Vic Brazil opened with a powerful Keynote on tribalism in medicine – worth a watch, even if you are not a critical care clinician :

Hopefully more medical conferences will adopt the smaccGOLD format – short, inspirational lectures acrss disciplines and breaking down traditional professional boundaries.

Damian Roland put this well in a short interview with Rob Rogers from the smacc conference, setting the scene for smaccUS in Chicago, 2015



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