Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAMed) and the tools of Social Media (SoMe) have a lot to offer the isolated rural doctor…but to be honest, once people hear the words ‘blog’, ‘twitter’ or ‘podcast’, many of them are turned off.
Reality is that FOAMed and SoMe have a lot to offer – essentially the chance for asynchronous, high-quality learning and interaction with other doctors around the world, on selected topics – using the technology to tailor content and stream it to you rather than have to chase it
I think that FOAMed has revolutionised the field of EM and CritCare…and for the small degree of overlap as a rural GP doing Em and Anaesthesia, FOAMed has helped me
…but there is much potential for FOAMed to change the way GPs 9both metro and rural) do their work and keep up-to-date. Perhaps more so for the rural doctor who may struggle to access upskilling events and also has to perform at a high level in procedural or oncall roles.
So over the weekend I chatted to Dr Casey Parker of Broome Docs about how SoMe and FOAMed have helped him. The video also has some pointers on getting started for rural GPs.
See also this talk from Chris Nickson of on how to embrace FOAMed
…and these guidelines from the UK’s RCGP on Social Media or SoMe