Interesting week in Adelaide – the new ‘South Australia State logo’ was unveiled at the Festival Centre. I managed to get along and, along with many others, was significantly underwhelmed.
Criticisms are that SA looks like the largest open cut mine, visible frm space…or a series of doors….or a Pope’s hat.
Regardless, it has got people talking.
Meanwh the KI Doctors are trying to get media attention for their plight with the SA Health Department. We simply cannot get any sense out of the CHSA Health Bureaucrats and are trying to get the Health Minister Jack Snelling to take action.
Latest media release plays upon the ‘doors’ theme of the SA logo. My fear is the door is closing to get a resolution on this issue.
Media interest this week in the profound wait (up to six weeks) to see a doctor in rural SA. Currently KI Docs have a mix of pre-bookable and ‘book-on-the-day’ appointments, meaning we can meet most demand on the day, and patients can see ‘their’ doctor within a few days for non-urgent consults. All this will change if CHSA do not resolve the crisis.
Read the Media Release here …. and make your own comments known by either hitting the airwaves (891 Adelaide, fiveAA), writing to the media (The Islander, The Advertiser), or telling the State Health Minister what you think.