Resus At The Park

Hi all
I know you’re in the midst of last-minute Christmas shopping and feverish planning, but I wanted to ensure that this got to you so that at least if you are sitting down over the vacation with a full stomach and a spare 5 minutes, you could perhaps forward the email onto your departments, contacts and any other colleagues who may be interested. We would like to get this out to all doctors, nurses, allied health, paramedics, first responders and anyone potentially involved in the management of patients needing resuscitation.
After postponing the 2016 Resus @ The Park conference because of potential health concerns (which I am happy to say are not concerning any more), R@TP is back in 2017 and is bigger and better than planned! Not only are we raring to go to organise a stunning resuscitation conference for Sydney and NSW, but we have also had the opportunity to recruit emergency and critical nursing representatives to the conference organising committee, as well as colleagues from paramedicine.
R@TP is being held to benefit Take Heart Australia, the charity we formed to decrease mortality from cardiac arrests across Australia, the only charity we know that is run solely by working clinicians, and which has garnered a lot of traction and attention in the past couple of years. We are on track to make great changes in awareness, HQ-CPR training and AED numbers across NSW and Australia, and to increase the numbers of people we see with a return of cardiac output and who may go home, rather than solely look after cardiac arrest patients whose chance has long gone.
We have confirmed the conference dates as the 1st and 2nd of June 2017, with a preceding workshop day on the 31st May. We plan not only to run with the conference program we already had, featuring luminaries from prehospital, emergency medicine and critical care, both local and international, but also to expand it to include more tracks, ensuring that not only is it contemporary and evidence-based, but truly multidisciplinary. We are determined to make this a state-of-the-art conference, with wide media and social media coverage, with speakers on-site and also talking from overseas via streamed video, and streaming all content out to those who are unlucky enough not to be able to attend.
This email has a Save The Date EDM attached to it, and I would be really grateful if you could send it on to as many people as possible. Finally, many apologies if you receive this email twice, or that you receive it out of the blue. I have tried to be accurate and not send it to the wrong people, but the pre-Christmas delirium is taking hold!
Grateful for your help and support, and have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Paul M Middleton
Chair, Take Heart Australia
Director, Emergency Medicine Research Unit, Liverpool Hospital
Clinical Associate Professor, Discipline of Emergency Medicine, University of Sydney
Conjoint Associate Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, University of New South Wales
Principal Investigator, DREAM Collaboration
Director, Australian Institute for Clinical Education
Immediate Past Chair, Australian Resuscitation Council, NSW Branch

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