I have been asked to speak at the Internal Medicine Society of Australia & NZ annual scientific conference, which will be held in Adelaide this September.
The idea is to introduce physicians to the concept of #FOAMed. I reckon this could be a tough gig….there are only a few physicians active on SoMe in Aus/NZ and I am not sure how well the anarchic, free-form and rapidly moving concept of #FOAMed will be embraced by them.
Whilst emergency and critical care physicians have been the main early adopters of FOAMed, I reckon that physicians lie somewhere towards the right of the ‘innovation adoption lifecycle model’.
So my cunning plan is to try and entice as many of the audience in, by playing a short video during the one hour lunch break before the scheduled afternoon session.
I am in a concurrent, going up against local cardiologist Julian Vaule talking on NOACs (“novel oral anti-coagulants”) – or, as I prefer to call them “evil Big Pharma meds that aren’t all they are supposed to be and unlike rat poison cannot be reversed“.
Now I dont know about you guys, but I have sat through a load of lectures on NOACs…but I don’t reckon I ever sat through a lecture on tools for lifelong learning, on metacognition, on use of Social Media to filter educational content for self-development.
The video borrows from the meme of ‘taking life ling learning’ by storm(trooper) – a concept I first saw in a FOAMed lecture from Chris Nickson of LITFL fame, then taken up by others such as Andy Neill from emergencymedicineireland.
The video allows the inclusion of stormtroopers twerking and shufflin’ – what’s not to like? It struck me that these talks plus the video could be used by others when preparing an audience for FOAMed…(since originally posting, was contacted by Simon Carley of StEmlyns.org and asked if could use the video to introduce FOAMed at the 2014 College of Emergency Medicine conference in Exeter, UK this week. Nice to share)
I’ll bung up a slideshow of the IMSANZ on the day it is to be delivered – 19th Sept – as an example of a ‘flipped classroom’. Wish me luck! Gonna be a tough audience….
Chris Nickson’s talk is here “Why FOAMed? Facts, Fallacies & Foibles”
Andy Neill’s pecha kucha talk is here “Effective Use of Social Media to Keep Up-to-Date”
…and if you like Stormtroopers doing silly things
Stormtrooper images for slides – from JDHancock
Stormtrooper twerk – via ScottDW youtube channel
Stormtrooper shuffle – via MattLundeStudios on youtube